Monday, November 2, 2015

Keep Calm and Carry On

A photo my mom took.  I like how most of the leaves look like hearts. 
I know that some people are sick of this meme, yet some of us still love it.  I like the serious versions, like the original ones, and also the fun ones like "Keep calm and sparkle on" or the Yoda one - "Calm you shall keep and carry on you must."
For me, the meme is meaningful because I think about the origin of it.  I mean, imagine being in London during World War II and bombs can be dropped at any time, some of your loved ones are dead - the holes in your heart (the leaves in my mom's photo), others you know are off fighting the war, or are missing, and you have to find the strength to keep going, keep fighting to stay alive and just get through each day.
For most of us, those of us who aren't in any serious peril, this slogan can show us that our current problems are small compared to what those people went through at that time, so we should try to be grateful that things aren't worse and appreciate the good things every day.