Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Monday, July 25, 2016

Such Beauty in the World

It's easy to get down, while watching the news or dealing with daily problems.  We forget to see the good people, the beautiful things, that are all around. 

This weekend, when it was hot and cloudy and we were not in the prettiest of neighborhoods, suddenly in the median strip of the road, I spotted a whole lot of these gorgeous stargazer lilies.  My husband agreed to stop and wait while I took many photos.  I'm just glad to have them to look at any time I wish.

We also encountered many lovely people, who were all out sweltering in the summer heat, too.  Beauty was everywhere, in the faces of the friendly, smiling people and in these flowers.

Try to be a Rainbow in Someone's Cloud - Maya Angelou

Try to be a rainbow in someone's cloud - Maya Angelou

That's what I was trying to be to some people yesterday.  Everyone in the grocery store was suffering from the day's heat, and I was trying to be friendly and make people feel better.  I was feeling sick myself from the heat, and really wanted to be done shopping and get home, but I did try to be cheerful and listen to people and smile.  Mostly we complained about the heat, but one woman was talking with me about health and kale and blueberries and the smoothies she makes.  A very nice lady.

I'm not patting myself on the back or anything.  I just feel that if we can make someone's day even a little bit better, that's a very good thing.  It also makes you feel better yourself, too.